Task List Report

Use Avaza’s Task List report to get meaningful insights from your task data. Build comprehensive reports for your clients or use powerful filters to find tasks that are in need of special attention such as unassigned tasks, overdue tasks and over-budget tasks. Easily jump to individual tasks from the report and follow up as required.

Task List Report

Figure: Task List Remaining Hours Based on Estimates Hours minus Actual Hours

A few reasons to use this report

  • Build status reports for all projects being run for a client. Schedule the report for delivery to the client every week.
  • Identify unassigned tasks in the entire account or in specific projects.
  • Get a list of all tasks that are due in a given period; grouped by project, task assignee and more. Save and share the report with project managers and stakeholders.
  • Identify delays by filtering out overdue tasks from across the account or for specific projects.
  • Get details of cost and billable amount per task based on timesheet data. Use groupings to see cost and billable amount at Section or Project level.
  • Get a report of all tasks where actual time tracked against the task is more than the estimated time.
  • Create progress reports by filtering out all tasks completed in a given date range.
  • Get a report of all recurring tasks with dedicated filters for parent and child tasks.
  • Consolidate and analyze task data from past projects to better determine estimated effort required for similar tasks.

Report Parameters

Customer: Select the customer(s) you want to run the report for. You can select one or more customers as needed.

Project: Select the project(s) you want to run the report for. You can select one or more projects as needed. You can only choose a project after one or more customers have been chosen.

Many of our reports allow you to group data. The Task List report has two available grouping options:

  • Primary Grouping
  • Secondary Grouping

These groupings include the following options:

We subtotal the following columns when data is grouped:

  • % Complete (Displayed as an average of tasks inside the grouping)
  • Scheduled Hours
  • Estimated Hours
  • Actual Hours
  • Remaining Hours
  • % of Estimate
  • Subtask Count
  • Subtask Progress
  • Total Fixed Amount
  • Total Expense Cost
  • Total Cost Amount
  • Total Billable Amount

The only exception to this is when a chosen grouping has projects in multiple currencies. In that case amount fields display N/A as amounts from different currencies can’t be added up.

Due Date From & To: Enter a date range to filter out tasks that are due in that range.

Create Date From & To: Enter a date range to filter out tasks that were created in that range.

Completed Date From & To: Enter a date range to filter out tasks that were marked as complete in that range.

Archive Status: Use this parameter to filter tasks from active or archived projects.

User Tags: User Tags can be created and assigned to team members as needed. Select a User Tag to filter the “Assigned To” list down to just one team, for example design team, customer support etc.

Assigned To: Select one or more users to filter out tasks that are assigned to them. Select “Unassigned” to filter out tasks that don’t have an assignee yet.

Task Type: Choose which Task Types you want to run the report for. Helpful for example when you wish to analyze all “bug” task types across your account, or for specific customers/projects.

Task Status: Choose which statuses of Tasks you want to run the report for. Since task statuses are tied to task types, the options available in this filter are automatically filtered for the selected task types.

Task Priority: Choose which Task Priorities you want to run the report for. Helpful for example when you wish to analyze all high priority tasks across your account, or for specific customers/projects.

Overdue Task: Check this box if you wish to limit the results to overdue tasks.

Task Tags: In Projects, Task Tags are used to group tasks with custom attributes (e.g “high priority”). Select one or more Task Tags to limit the report results to tasks that have the selected tags.

Only Billable Timesheets: Check this box if you wish to exclude non-billable timesheets when calculating values such as Actual Hours, Remaining Hours, and % of Estimate.

Show Columns: Add one or more columns to the report in order to see more information about tasks. The following columns are available in this report:

  • Customer (default)
  • Project (default)
  • Section (default)
  • Task Title (default)
  • Task Tags
  • Assigned To (default)
  • Created By
  • Project Tags
  • Project Categories
  • Create Date
  • Start Date
  • Due Date (default)
  • Completed Date
  • Task Type
  • Task Status (default)
  • Recurring Task Type
  • Task Priority
  • % Complete (entered by the user on each task)
  • Scheduled Hours (total hours a task has been scheduled for in Avaza’s Resource Scheduling Module)
  • Estimated Hours (entered by the user on each task)
  • Actual Hours (total time tracked against the task)
  • Remaining Hours (number of hours remaining to complete the task, calculated based on the “Hrs Remaining Calculation” parameter explained below)
  • % of Estimate (percentage of Actual Hours vs. Estimated Hours)
  • Subtask Count (number of total subtasks on the task)
  • Subtask Progress (number of completed subtasks on the task)
  • Total Fixed Amount (total of fixed amounts linked to the task)
  • Total Expense Cost ( total expense amount tracked against the task)
  • Total Cost Amount (total cost amount for all hours and expenses tracked against the task)
  • Total Billable Amount (total billable amount for all hours tracked against the task)

You can add up to 11 columns on this report.

Sort Columns: Use this option to sort the report results by the selected column. Select “Task Display Order” if you wish to see the tasks in the same order as in the Project (only works when Section is being used as a grouping option).

Alternatively, you can click on any column header in the report to quickly sort results by that column.

Sort Order: Select the sort order for the chosen column.

Display Parameters on Report: Select this option if you will like the exported report to include the parameter values used to run the report. This information will be displayed at the top of the page.

Hide Individual Tasks: Check this box if you wish to hide individual tasks on the report output. The display will only include any available groupings you had selected, as well as numerical fields that can be aggregated on grouping rows.

Hrs Remaining Calculation: Select the method to calculate Remaining Hours for each task in the report output. Available values are:

Est – Act Hrs (Default): Subtracts actual hours tracked from estimated hours in order to determine remaining hours.

Sch – Act Hrs: Subtracts actual hours tracked from scheduled hours linked to the task in order to determine remaining hours.

Based on % Complete: Compares total time tracked on the task with the % Complete value entered in the task. For example, if you’ve tracked 3 hours on a task and entered a % Complete value of 10%, then we assume that it took you 3 hours to go through 10% of the task. Based on that, we calculate how much more time would it take for you to do the remaining 90% of the task.

Only Negative Hrs Remaining: Check this box if you wish to limit the report results to tasks that have a negative Remaining Hrs value based on the selected Remaining Hrs calculation method.

Tasks with Schedule Assignments: Check this box if you wish to limit the report results to tasks that have at least one schedule assignment linked to them.

Project Tags: Filter projects based on project tags.

Project Categories: Filter projects based on project categories.

Timezone: In Avaza, each user has a timezone defined along with a general timezone for the account. Use this parameter to select whether report results should display date fields (Created Date, Start Date, Due Date, Completed Date) in User Timezone or the Account Timezone.

Recurring Task Type: Select “Parent Task” if you wish to limit report results to tasks that have a recurrence set on them. Select “Child Task” if you wish to limit report results to tasks that have been generated by a recurring task. Select both if you wish to simply filter all recurring tasks regardless of them being parent or child tasks.

We hope this guide was useful. ? Need further help with the Task List report? Please contact our support team via chat or email.

Updated on January 21, 2023

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