The Portfolio Manager role has a higher level of access including access to contacts’ cost and billable rates and access to all project management reports with no data restriction.
Here is the list of features accessible to the Portfolio Manager role.
- Manage Team Members and External Contacts without any restrictions with the exception of not being able to assign Invoice Manager and Admin roles.
- Manage all the Timesheet Settings for the account
- Access the Project Settings page for all the projects the user is an active member of. Project Settings allows the user to configure the project budget, billable method, timesheet categories, project members and more.
- Access to manage Fixed Amounts on tasks for any project they are an active member of.
- Access to impersonate all timesheet users and manage their timesheets.
- Access to all Project Reports with no data restriction.
The Project Manager role is restrictive in terms of access to cost and billable rates, fixed amounts and available data on Project reports.
Here is the list of features accessible to the Project Manager role.
- Manage Team Members and External Contacts with the following restrictions
- No access to Default Billable or Cost rates
- No access to the project assignment panel.
- No access to bulk updating billable and cost rates
- Can’t assign team members the following roles
- Portfolio Manager
- Invoice Manager
- Admin
- No access to the Timesheet Settings page
- Can access the Project Settings page for only projects where they are an active member of the project and their project membership record has “Can Manage this Project’s Settings” checked
- For the projects where they can access the Project Settings page, they can only access Cost & Billable rates for Project Members where their project membership record has “Can Manage Project Member Cost & Billable Rate” checked.
- For the projects, they are an active member they can only access fixed amounts on tasks if their project membership record has “Can Manage Fixed Amounts on project”
- Can access a restricted list of project reports with access to data for only projects where they are an active member of the project. If the report displays any cost, billable rates, or fixed amounts then it will only be visible if for the given project they have the required project membership settings. Project Managers will have access to the following reports.
- Task List Report
- Timesheet Details Report
- Timesheet Week View
- Schedule Details
- Schedule vs Timesheets
- Project Summary
- Fixed Amount Details
- Project Dashboard
- Project Profitability
- Timesheet Summary
- Fixed Amount Revenue
- Project Profit Margin Analysis