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Schedule Reports for Email Delivery

Choose any report, save a customized set of parameters for the report, and have it automatically delivered to multiple people on a regular interval.

How to Schedule Reports

In the Reports menu, run a report, select your desired parameters and Preview the result.

Figure: Preview your desired report

Save the report, and provide a useful name and description.

Figure: Save the report

Go to Reports > Saved Reports, and you will see your saved report, with a link to Schedule it. Choose your delivery settings, and Save the schedule.

Schedule Reports for Email Delivery

Figure: Open Saved Reports and schedule the report as needed 

The Report delivery schedule can be any interval of days or months, from your chosen start date, e.g. every 7 days, every 3 months etc. You can specify how many times the schedule will repeat, or choose for it to repeat forever.

Reports are delivered via email, to the Avaza users/contacts you select, with both a link to a downloadable copy of the report, as well as a copy attached to the email (for file sizes is up to 3 Megabytes). You can also choose the report format as Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) or Excel (.XLSX).

At any time you can view the number of times a Saved Report has been delivered, and pause or cancel future deliveries.

Do you have further questions about scheduling reports for email delivery? Please contact our support team via chat, or email.

Updated on January 21, 2023

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